Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Graco Secure Coverage™ Digital Monitor (with 2 Parent Units)

When we had baby #2 we moved our Angelcare Deluxe Sensor and Sound Monitor to her bed and got this plain sound monitor for our older child's room. We did quite a bit of monitor research before we ended up with this one. In addition to great sound, one important factor for us was that it wouldn't interfere with our phone and other electronics. The Graco Secure Coverage Monitor is digital which makes the sound clear and guarantees privacy, and the 900 MHz frequency that it operates on does not interfere with other technology in the house. 

It comes with a vibrate alert button that we never used. I actually didn't quite understand the need for the vibration alert on a sound monitor, but I'm sure it can be useful for somebody else.

The low battery alarm on this device is loud and slightly annoying and I'm not sure it's really all that necessary. The lights on the parent unit turn bright red when the battery is low, so it's hard to miss that it's time to charge it...

All in all, it's a good monitor for what it is. So if you are looking for something simple that does the job, this is definitely a good choice.


- Great sound.
- Doesn't interfere with other technology in the house.
- 2000 ft range.
- Simple, good sound monitor.


- Loud alert to signal low battery.

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