Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Baby Björn Little Potty

I think this potty is quite average as far as potties go. It is Baby Björn's smallest and lightest potty, which makes it great for traveling. It looks good too, but this is of course part of what you pay for with Baby Björn products. It ranges between $15 and $27.99 on Amazon depending on the color. (It comes in red, blue, pink and white).

The reasons why I think it's just average are because it's low to the ground and not that comfortable for a kid (even with its soft lines), nor is it easier to clean out than other generic ones out there. Neither of my kids ever liked to use it or sit on it for longer periods of time so it wasn't a great potty for potty training. In fact, my little girl seems to fall too far into the potty when she sits on it and has a hard time getting out. So maybe it's not meant for kids with tiny bottoms...

If you want a great looking, more traditional potty and don't want to buy the Baby Björn Potty Chair because it's big and takes up space in your bathroom, I would probably get the Baby Björn Smart Potty instead of the Little Potty. The Smart Potty is still small enough to travel with you, but it's way more comfortable for small bottoms than the Little Potty is, and easier to clean. The one good thing about the Little Potty (other than its good looks) is that the front of the potty is high enough to prevent accidents, especially with little boys.

So in my humble opinion...


- Small, light-weight.
- Easy to bring with you. 
- Has a high front to prevent "accidents".
- Looks great.
- It's made out of PVC and BPA-free plastic.
- OK as a 2nd potty or travel potty.


- Small bottoms fall too far into the potty.
- Not all that comfortable to sit in for longer periods of time (thus, not great for potty training but ok for traveling).

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